Hello APCSC friends~
Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition is happy to report that there are upcoming improvements to two major city thoroughfares: 3rd and 4th Ave (school zones), and First Avenue!
Safe Routes To School traffic calming measures around our school zones are finally going to be a reality! APCSC has been advocating, and waiting to see the implementation of measures to slow drivers and make streets around schools safer. Children are the most vulnerable road users.
AP former Transportation Director had designed a plan with input from APCSC for traffic calming plans for school zones including mini roundabouts which were unfortunately shot down in response to outrage from certain city residents on 4th Ave complaining about losing parking – they were completely incorrect, no parking would have been lost – but it set the project back years.
The Safe Routes To School traffic calming plans literally went back to the drawing board, and the new plan was submitted by our current Transportation Director with raised crosswalks instead of mini roundabouts. It’s taken over 3 years to see the plan become a reality, and we believe that these traffic calming measures will be effective.
The final plan was presented at an open house on Thursday, 1/9/25.
First Avenue Improvements mark a response to APCSC advocacy, and show that we are working together to prioritize people walking and rolling. This is a welcome, serious commitment to make streets safe for the most vulnerable road users – anyone outside of cars, which will make streets safer for drivers too.
The Signage & Striping – FIRST AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS include implementation of curb extensions (bump outs) to make crossing distances shorter for walkers, and green markings on new bike lanes.
Have a look at the plans:
As always we want to hear your comments and thoughts!
Polli Schildge, Editor