NEWS! Monday Governor’s Press Conference: signing Target Zero Bill. APCSC sends a message to city leaders to adopt a Vision Zero Policy.

Hello APCSC friends~
On Thursday, 2/15/24 I was honored to be among other equitable mobility advocates in NJ, all giving powerful testimony in favor of a strong Target Zero Commission, Bill Bill S361 sponsored by Senator Patrick Diegnan  .
New Jersey is the most dangerous state for pedestrians, with almost double the national average of fatalities. 

Great news!

It passed unanimously!
NJ Bill A1476/S361: Establishes “New Jersey Target Zero Commission.”
On Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 2 pm Governor Murphy will sign the Target Zero Bill NJ A1476/S361 into law.
Vision Zero NJ was instrumental in making it happen.
Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition, along with other advocacy groups and individuals across the state submitted a quote for the Governor’s Press Release:

“Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition applauds the signing of this bold legislation, which will bring about implementation of road safety measures to prevent crashes, injuries, and save the lives of vulnerable road users: anyone outside of a car, and ensure safety for drivers themselves. Crashes, injuries and fatalities are a human health crisis, disproportionately affecting communities like Asbury Park, where many residents of all ages must walk and roll for daily transportation. 

The signing of the New Jersey Target Zero Bill signals a commitment to provide safe, equitable access for everyone on streets and roads in New Jersey.”

-Polli Schildge, founding member and director of Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition

To Asbury Park City leaders~

Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition welcomes the opportunity to work together with Asbury Park leadership to adopt a Vision Zero Policy, and help to enact a VZ ordinance to end crashes, injuries and deaths in the city.

As always, we welcome your comments and thoughts.


Polli Schildge,  Editor

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