Think Bicycles Don’t Belong On The Road?

This is a familiar characterization of many people who don’t think bikes belong on the street.  This person is a driver who believes that roads were designed for cars and should stay that way. “Bicyclists break traffic law!”  “Cyclists don’t pay taxes!” “People on bikes act entitled and run stop signs and disobey traffic signals!”  Some of these drivers are aggressive, and even try to frighten people on bikes, intimidating them by buzzing, yelling, honking or even throwing things at them.  As your writer I can attest that all of this happens to me frequently. I’m close to being injured or killed by a driver almost every time I commute the 12 miles to and again from my work place.

It can change, with better infrastructure, and more people on bikes.

Chris Cox used to despise cyclists, believing they should get off the roads. Then something changed

Not long ago, Chris Cox used to think bikes shouldn’t be allowed on the road and loathed cyclists. Then, something changed.

Chris Cox  November 14, 2018

Cyclists shouldn’t be allowed on the road, I used to think.

They don’t pay registration. Those two-wheeled toys weren’t designed to share the bitumen with “real” transport vehicles like cars, trucks and motorbikes.

It was a perspective that came so naturally to me.

It was my instant reflex response when a colleague told me how he and his mates were terrorised by a motorist on their weekend ride. The driver had tailgated, revved the engine, leant on the horn and finished it off with a drenching with some kind of liquid.

Yet, despite what was a clear example of deliberate and dangerous intimidation by a couple of boofheads in a car, my first reaction was to blame the victim.

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It’s Not All About Fire Truck Response Times

APCSC has found that Asbury Park’s Fire Department is coming on board with Complete Streets principles (the concept of the Road Diet is still somewhat a sticking point), but there are still holdouts (and also in our Police Department) clinging to the thinking that it’s all about response times, rather than accepting that faster road speeds lead to increasingly high numbers of traffic related injuries and deaths. It’s about #slowthecars and right-sized emergency vehicles.

Rule 51: Expand the Fire Chief’s Mandate

Rewrite the fire chief’s mandate to optimize public safety, not response times. Replace the 20-foot clear and minimum curb radii with more precise measures. Do not add or keep unwarranted signals in the name of preemption. Size new fire trucks to the community and not vice versa.

Perhaps the most ironic day in the life of every city planner is the one on which she discovers that her greatest opponent in making her city’s streets safer is the fire chief. How this bizarre circumstance has come to occur in city after city across the United States is a veritable morality play on the topics of siloed thinking, the confusion of ends and means, and Murphy’s Law. It goes something like this:

Walkable City Rules, the upcoming book from Jeff Speck. Image: Island Press
“Walkable City Rules” (Island Press)

A faster response time is good, but not at the expense of life safety.

The fire chief’s job performance is typically judged on response time. The fire department’s budget is often based on the number of calls that fire trucks respond to. These two facts conspire to replace a fire chief’s natural mandate, optimizing the life safety of the community, with a much narrower focus: sending out lots of trucks, and getting them to their destinations quickly.

Get the book:

Walkable City Rules by Jeff Speck


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Bikes Are Faster Than Cars

Do you commute by bike? Maybe you’ve found out that it’s sometimes faster or almost as fast to get to your destination by bike than by car. And you don’t have to deal with parking! Now look at the trucks and delivery services lumbering along and (double) parked on your city streets. Maybe there’s a faster, more streamlined solution…

Delivery company Deliveroo and the routing algorithm they named”Frank” collected Smartphone data from riders and drivers schlepping meals for restaurant-to-home courier service. Turns out bicycles are faster than cars.

Data From Millions Of Smartphone Journeys Proves Cyclists Faster In Cities Than Cars And Motorbikes

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Save Asbury’s Waterfront Update And Council Meeting Video

City Council meeting November 8, 2018

APCSC members attended the Save Asbury’s Waterfront press conference and city council meeting on Thursday night. We saw a wonderful, shared commitment among Mayor Moor, city council, residents and visitors who love AP to keep our beaches accessible to the public and protected from harmful environmental impact. Whether or not you were able to attend the meeting, I recommend watching the video from 11:00 when iStar’s attorney speaks, through Mayor Moor’s remarks beginning at 51:45. Public comments afterward were a variety of informative, angry, frustrated, and even humorous remarks. No matter the delivery, we’re unified in preserving Asbury Park’s waterfront.  The city ordered iStar to cease and desist. Now it’s time to harness the positive energy and get back to the table to discuss an alternative to the existing plans. This is what community is about.
Press conference in front of Asbury Park Post Office 11/8/18

Please see attached Save Asbury’s Waterfront Press Conference 11.8.18 held by the coalition Save Asbury’s Waterfront, prior to the Nov. 8th Asbury Park City Council meeting at which iStar Financial, Inc. presented its Phase 5 Infrastructure plans for the City’s northern waterfront. 

After 2.5 hours of public comment requesting iStar to stop construction on the northern waterfront, the City Council ultimately passed a resolution forcing iStar to cease and desist construction and demanded that iStar “come to the table” to amend the 2002 waterfront redevelopment agreements.  
We sincerely thank the City Council of Asbury Park for listening to the concerns of its community.  
Audience reaction to order to iStar of cease and desist.
Watch the City Council meeting and iStar presentation:
For more, check out Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition on FB and on Instagram @asburyparkcompletestreets

SAVE ASBURY’S WATERFRONT *MEDIA ADVISORY*: Invitation to Cover/Photo Opportunity

MEDIA ADVISORY: Invitation to Cover/Photo Opportunity

Tonight, Thursday, November 8th at 5:00 p.m.

ABOUT: Save Asbury’s Waterfront is a grassroots coalition of citizens, businesses and organizations that seeks to foster and encourage appropriate development along Asbury Park’s waterfront. That development will: maximize social inclusion and provide access for all residents and visitors; recognize current coastal development guidelines and practices; be sensitive to endangered species, pollution and other environmental concerns; and be transparent during all phases of planning and implementation.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Media interested in attending the event can contact Kerry Butch at 732 982-6942,, or Kathleen Mumma at 908-642-6859,


WHAT: Save Asbury Park’s Waterfront is a broad coalition of citizens, environmental and civic organizations such as Clean Ocean Action, Surfrider Foundation, American Littoral Society, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition, and others who want to preserve and protect our oceanfront land from inappropriate development.


Confirmed speakers and their topic of interest include:

Kathleen Mumma, Host – Welcome

Dr. Madeline Monaco, President, 1501 Ocean Association – Public Access

Kay Harris, Historical Society & Business Owner – Open Public Space

Joyce Grant, Founder, Citizens for Oceanfront Preservation – North Beach Preservation

Reverend Gil Caldwell, Civil Rights Activist, The Dialogue Group – Social Inclusion and History

Pam Lamberton, Asbury Park Complete Streets – Transparency & Access

Diana Pittet, Surfrider Foundation – Public Access and Environmental Concerns

Avery Grant/Kerry Butch, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance – Environmental and Social Justice Concerns

Don Brockel, Chairman, Deal Lake Commission – Environmental Concerns

Capt. Paul Eidman, Anglers Conservation Network – Fish & Wildlife Conservation

American Littoral Society – Environmental Concerns

Cindy Zipf, Clean Ocean Action – Environmental Concerns

Senator Vin Gopal

Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling

WHEN: Thursday, November 8th at 5:00 p.m.

WHERE: in front of Asbury Park Post Office, 801 Bangs Avenue @ Main St. Asbury Park, New Jersey

PARKING: There should be parking in the municipal lot located at 1 Municipal Plaza as well as street Parking on Main Street. There is no need to pay for metered parking during the press conference.

ABOUT: Save Asbury’s Waterfront is a grassroots coalition of citizens, businesses and organizations that seeks to foster and encourage appropriate development along Asbury Park’s waterfront. That development will: maximize social inclusion and provide access for all residents and visitors; recognize current coastal development guidelines and practices; be sensitive to endangered species, pollution and other environmental concerns; and be transparent during all phases of planning and implementation.

SAVE ASBURY’S WATERFRONT MEDIA ADVISORY_ Invitation to CoverPhoto Opportunity

News and Info About Save Asbury’s Waterfront

APCSC Support of Save Asbury’s Waterfront

Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition supports city development and initiatives which make every part of the city livable and accessible to everyone.  Our goal in support of the Save Asbury’s Waterfront campaign is to maintain the character of this part of the waterfront and boardwalk so that it’s completely open and welcoming to residents and visitors, and to protect the natural environment of the area.  The financial burden in the initial goal of the campaign will be daunting.  It is to stop the bulldozers and bring the developer Istar and the city back to the table to reexamine the plans (see below).  We have faith that the mayor and city council are listening and considering our agenda as described in the the Asbury Park Sun and on the ABC 7 news report.

Please come to the City Council Meeting on Thursday, 11/8:  5pm press conference; 6pm Istar plans; 7pm public comment.

For more information:

AP master plan 2017Redevelopment plans on our Resources page. 


Explainer video: Parking!

We’ve come to assume that there should be available and low-cost space to store our vehicles on city streets. Think about it. Why should it be cheap (or free?).  It’s rent for your car!  Couldn’t there be much better ways to use space in our cities? Here’s a good explainer video!

Why we should be paying more for parking – video explainer

Charging more for parking could save the environment, ease congestion and inject energy back into the high street. But how? The Guardian’s Peter Walker explains that we’ve been thinking about parking all wrong: it’s not a right, but rather an over-subsidised waste of space

Peter Walker, Josh Toussaint-Strauss, Phil Maynard, Joseph Pierce, Simon Roberts, Paul Boyd and Katie Lamborn

Where’s The Boardwalk North Of 6th Ave??

Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition advocates for equity in access on all thoroughfares throughout Asbury Park. The Boardwalk is one of these thoroughfares.  Did you know…?

If you’ve been to the boardwalk North of 6th Ave this past week you may have been wondering what’s going on.  There’s heavy equipment and NO BOARDWALK.  Work has begun on this latest phase of the Waterfront Redevelopment Plan which includes narrowing of the boardwalk north of 6th Ave to a 15 ft pathway, a membership beachclub, townhouses, and impervious paving.

Many people were caught off guard when work abruptly began last week with little, if any, communication to residents. A 2002 plan had agreed upon at that time, but conditions have changed since then. Residents want and deserve to be informed and be offered participation in any ongoing development.  APCSC is NOT opposed to redevelopment, but we believe it must be transparent, be responsibly designed with respect for the environment, particularly on the oceanfront, and it must provide equal access to everyone. 

If you are an interested resident, a supporter of equity in access in AP, and if you want to ensure that any development will protect our natural environment, here’s how you can help:

ONLINE PETITION:  sign and share!  
Be detailed, factual, personal in your reasons for signing!
*Attend the City Council Meeting on Thursday 11/8, 6:00 PM.  
Please attend to show your support;  there will be opportunity for public comment, so please prepare up to 3 minutes of remarks.
Attend the organizational meeting is Saturday 11/3 at 3:00 PM in the lobby room at North Beach (1501 Ocean, enter at corner of 7th/Ocean) – please invite anyone who is looking to organize and volunteer.
Attend the AP Homeowner’s Association Meeting on Sunday 11/4 at 10:30 AM at Capitoline downstairs – another opportunity to interact with neighbors and city leadership.  

How To Pass A Person On A Bike

Keep 3ft of space between a driver and a person a bike when passing? It may seem impossible, dangerous, or just annoying. Cross the double yellow line?  Drive slowly behind a person on a bike and be held up in traffic? We know that drivers really don’t want to run into people on bikes, so here’s a simple explanation of how to pass a person on a bike. (It’s the same in the US as in Canada.)

How to Safely Pass A Person Riding a Bike

Some friendly advice for our motorist-only friends.

By: Hilary Angus

“So in light of all of the confusion, we thought we’d try to clear things up a bit with a handy safe passing how-to guide for motorists everywhere. Alternative title – how to not accidentally kill people with your car, for beginners!”

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Can UPS (and other delivery companies) Do This In Asbury Park?

Cargo bikes are becoming the answer to delivering goods to businesses on city streets all over Europe. UPS  is starting up in Seattle where UPS started in Seattle in 1907 as a bicycle messenger company. The company said it is pursuing the experiment for both for sustainability and business reasons. Bike delivery is aimed at helping achieve climate goals and also reducing “dwell time” — idling in traffic — a nod to the efficiency of bike lanes, especially in crowded urban areas. This would be a great solution to concerns about double parked delivery trucks on Main Street in Asbury Park!

UPS to Test E-Bike Deliveries in Seattle

By Angie Schmitt 

Get ready for UPS in the bike lane — in a good way, finally. The global shipping company is testing out special e-bike cargo delivery in downtown Seattle and near the Pike Place Market.

The pilot program will use a specially made detachable trailer that can hold up to 400 pounds, using a bike that will powered by both pedals and electricity.

In a news release, the company said it is pursuing the experiment for both for sustainability and business reasons. Bike delivery is aimed at helping achieve climate goals and also reducing “dwell time” — idling in traffic — a nod to the efficiency of bike lanes, especially in crowded urban areas.

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