SAVE ASBURY’S WATERFRONT *MEDIA ADVISORY*: Invitation to Cover/Photo Opportunity

MEDIA ADVISORY: Invitation to Cover/Photo Opportunity

Tonight, Thursday, November 8th at 5:00 p.m.

ABOUT: Save Asbury’s Waterfront is a grassroots coalition of citizens, businesses and organizations that seeks to foster and encourage appropriate development along Asbury Park’s waterfront. That development will: maximize social inclusion and provide access for all residents and visitors; recognize current coastal development guidelines and practices; be sensitive to endangered species, pollution and other environmental concerns; and be transparent during all phases of planning and implementation.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Media interested in attending the event can contact Kerry Butch at 732 982-6942,, or Kathleen Mumma at 908-642-6859,


WHAT: Save Asbury Park’s Waterfront is a broad coalition of citizens, environmental and civic organizations such as Clean Ocean Action, Surfrider Foundation, American Littoral Society, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition, and others who want to preserve and protect our oceanfront land from inappropriate development.


Confirmed speakers and their topic of interest include:

Kathleen Mumma, Host – Welcome

Dr. Madeline Monaco, President, 1501 Ocean Association – Public Access

Kay Harris, Historical Society & Business Owner – Open Public Space

Joyce Grant, Founder, Citizens for Oceanfront Preservation – North Beach Preservation

Reverend Gil Caldwell, Civil Rights Activist, The Dialogue Group – Social Inclusion and History

Pam Lamberton, Asbury Park Complete Streets – Transparency & Access

Diana Pittet, Surfrider Foundation – Public Access and Environmental Concerns

Avery Grant/Kerry Butch, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance – Environmental and Social Justice Concerns

Don Brockel, Chairman, Deal Lake Commission – Environmental Concerns

Capt. Paul Eidman, Anglers Conservation Network – Fish & Wildlife Conservation

American Littoral Society – Environmental Concerns

Cindy Zipf, Clean Ocean Action – Environmental Concerns

Senator Vin Gopal

Assemblyman Eric Houghtaling

WHEN: Thursday, November 8th at 5:00 p.m.

WHERE: in front of Asbury Park Post Office, 801 Bangs Avenue @ Main St. Asbury Park, New Jersey

PARKING: There should be parking in the municipal lot located at 1 Municipal Plaza as well as street Parking on Main Street. There is no need to pay for metered parking during the press conference.

ABOUT: Save Asbury’s Waterfront is a grassroots coalition of citizens, businesses and organizations that seeks to foster and encourage appropriate development along Asbury Park’s waterfront. That development will: maximize social inclusion and provide access for all residents and visitors; recognize current coastal development guidelines and practices; be sensitive to endangered species, pollution and other environmental concerns; and be transparent during all phases of planning and implementation.

SAVE ASBURY’S WATERFRONT MEDIA ADVISORY_ Invitation to CoverPhoto Opportunity

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