Asbury Park is working on making the city safe and accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists, and we will see continued improvement in livability and business.
In cities all over the world there is a proven an economic benefit. Many European cities have vast walking plazas filled with people socializing, shopping and dining…and zero cars.
Janette Sadik-Kahn former transportation commissioner for New York City says:
“We changed the city from places people wanted to park to places people wanted to be – street space to seat space,” she said. “On 23rd St, where three streets meet, we created 65,000 sq ft of public space. People choose to sit on the street rather than the park.”
“For decades the simple act of walking was largely overlooked by city planners but, no matter how you choose to get around your city, the chances are that you are a pedestrian at some point during the day.”
“North American, Australian and Canadian cities, which were built for cars, have the challenge of retrofitting walking infrastructure.”