The BEST Resource For Bike Safety

Summer is almost here. Asbury Park has been implementing some much-needed bike infrastructure. But the danger remains all too real for people riding bikes as long as there are cars on the roads. This great site offers real ways to NOT GET HIT BY A CAR.

This page shows you real ways you can get hit and real ways to avoid them. This is a far cry from normal bicycle safety guides, which usually tell you little more than to wear your helmet and to follow the law.  But consider this for a moment: Wearing a helmet will do absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting hit by a car.  Sure, helmets might help you if you get hit, but your #1 goal should be to avoid getting hit in the first place.  Plenty of cyclists are killed by cars even though they were wearing helmets.  Ironically, if they had ridden without helmets, yet followed the advice on this page, they might still be alive today.  Don’t fall for the myth that wearing a helmet is the first and last word in biking safety.  In truth, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  It’s better to not get hit. That’s what real bicycle safety is about.

Learn How Not To Get Hit By A Car


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