Looking For Input For The Plan for Walking and Biking

Looking For Input For The Plan for Walking and Biking

The City of Asbury Park was awarded a Local Technical Assistance grant from the NJ Department of Transportation to conduct a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for the City on April 18, 2017.  NJDOT assigned consultant WSP to lead the development of the plan.  Steering committee meetings, focus groups, public meetings and a public input “WikiMap” are the community outreach efforts for the project.  The goal is to produce a comprehensive plan for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure that is achievable and serves ALL residents of the Asbury Park community – all ages and abilities.

Provide Your Input!
Visit: http://tinyurl.com/APBikePedPlan
Community input and support are critical to
create a successful plan and a more walkable and
bikeable Asbury Park. An interactive online map
is available to allow members of the community
to provide input and comments at any time.
Help us identify:
Corridors and/or spots in need of
Desired pedestrian corridors
Desired bike routes and bike parking
Upload photos and provide other comments



4 Replies to “Looking For Input For The Plan for Walking and Biking”

  1. Another comment… the new permit-only parking on 8th Street immediately east of Park Avenue is problematic. The residents of the building it’s supposed to benefit aren’t happy because they have to pay extra to use the spots and still get ticketed if they park outside of permitted hours. And it takes crucial parking spots off of the street for everyone else. Why was this done?

  2. I’ve happy to see these positive changes happening. I’d like to suggest that head-in parking be striped outside of the Santander building, on Park Avenue. The road is wide enough, and there isn’t much through traffic heading that direction. The head-in parking on Deal Lake Drive east of Park Avenue is a great improvement.

    1. Carol you might like to get an appointment to speak to Mike Manzella, our city’s new Transportation Manager. He can explain the urban planning strategies and research behind some of our recent changes. Nothing is done without careful consideration with regard to safety-diagonal parking (preferably back-in parking which is incredibly safer) and striping. With new paving there will be better crosswalks and bike lanes so people don’t feel the need to ride on sidewalks to be safe. We will see the beginning of a reconfiguration on Main Street with better traffic lights, crosswalks and sidewalks. We plan to do some educational outreach so pedestrians, bike riders and drivers all understand their responsibility on our roads. For parking issues you can contact the Parking committee with your concerns.

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