There are all kinds of bike riders in Asbury Park. Lycra-clad roadies zoom down avenues, kids zip around in clusters on streets and on sidewalks, visitors pedal bike share bikes and beach cruisers, and residents who don’t own cars ride bikes for their main mode of transportation. Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition is focused on transportation equity: safe streets for everyone, at every age, in every neighborhood. Right now there is a Bike Walk Master Plan in final draft showing bicycle and walking infrastructure on almost every street in the city, so everyone can get to school, work, church, shopping and recreation safely!
Bike Lanes Are White Lanes
Bicycle Advocacy and Urban Planning
In this study of three prominent U.S. cities—Milwaukee, Portland, and Minneapolis—Hoffmann examines how the burgeoning popularity of urban bicycling is trailed by systemic issues of racism, classism, and displacement. From a pro-cycling perspective, Bike Lanes Are White Lanes highlights many problematic aspects of urban bicycling culture and its advocacy as well as positive examples of people trying earnestly to bring their community together through bicycling.
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