Recent news!

City-wide paving project will be accomplished without tax increase or bonding
4th Ave, Sunset Ave, and Main Street which will be repaved in the fall per the last line of this paving project press release.…


Go to the Join the Movement tab on the Home page and support APCSC to learn more about how you can support our efforts, and how to advocate for street safety on the pending pavement projects.

Our Transportation Manager has already had many successes, among them the bike corral on Cookman; bollards (NJ State Law “Yield to Pedestrians” signs); and the city received the NJDOT technical assistance grant to create a bike/pedestrian safety plan.

Talking about Back-In Angled Parking


Continuing the conversation about Back-In Angled Parking

Many jurisdictions, particularly those working to safely accommodate bicycle travel have begun to utilize another form of angled parking: “back-in” angled parking, also known as “head-out” angled parking or “reverse” angle parking. Evidence is mounting that back-in angled parking has some significant advantages, not just for bicycle traffic, but for automobile traffic as well.
NJDOT requested a summary of the efficacy of back-in angled parking, to have available as communities consider this as an alternative to traditional front-in angled parking. This memorandum explores the pros and cons of back-in angled parking and documents the findings of studies regarding back-in angled parking.

APCSC RBA Back in angled parking summary 2

NYPD Back-in angled parking

Displaying NYC Police back in angled parking.jpg

Politico: Making a Healthier City

How your suburb can make you thinner

Inside the new movement to engineer healthier lives for Americans by rethinking the places they live.



Bicycling Magazine: Streets of the Future

Infrastructure and tech innovations that could make cycling (and cities) safer for all of us

“Lightweight, flexible, and connected is the mode of the future. Here’s what we hope to see on more of tomorrow’s streets.

Autonomous vehicles and mass transit are part of that, but so are bikes, which could be “the glue between modes,” says futurist Greg Lindsay, author of Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next.”

Women in Motion-Why Community Matters

The power of community, in this case the immigrant community to communicate the need for streets safe for bikes, strollers and pedestrians. They won!

“Believe me, I felt my heart was pounding, but this time it was out of joy! I was jumping for joy, that after everything we’d gone through, it was finally going to happen. And now I’ve seen them working on the bike lane, they’ve been marking the lines on the pavement.

Cristína González: We have to thank Mayor De Blasio. It seems like he heard us, and we are grateful for that, because when we went to the community board meeting, there were a lot of people against the bike lane. But sometimes when you talk directly to the big shot, things happen.”


Strong towns: Livable Communities

With the exception of several important outliers, American cities today are built around the thing that once promised ultimate freedom and mobility, but that wound up decimating so many of our longstanding assumptions about cities’ essential role— the automobile. This change has helped to give rise to a national situation marked by isolation, poor health, and limited opportunity for those who can’t or who don’t want to drive, as well as negative financial impacts on our communities.

Streetsblog: Car-Free Streets

It’s not too much of a stretch to imagine any of Asbury Park Streets as a pedestrian plaza…is it? And using parking meter money to pay for it? What do you think about it?

Use a Camera Like a Planning Tool

We published this a couple of months ago.   Maybe with warmer spring weather AP residents and friends can pull out phones and snap some shots!

Message photos to Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition on Face Book or email to:

Asbury Park residents–let’s think about doing a Photo Friday. Send your photos of streets and places that in your mind either work or do not work to this page. We would love to know what you’re seeing. This is a way for us all to communicate without using “planning terminology”.

“…the urban diary, an approach anyone can take to see their city anew. For Wolfe, a camera is the best tool for that observation, but he suggests readers might use writing, sketches, audio, tweets or any number of tools for purposeful looking. City planning still relies on an elite vocabulary not everyone can parse. But everyone can make observations about their surroundings.”