Use a Camera Like a Planning Tool

We published this a couple of months ago.   Maybe with warmer spring weather AP residents and friends can pull out phones and snap some shots!

Message photos to Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition on Face Book or email to:

Asbury Park residents–let’s think about doing a Photo Friday. Send your photos of streets and places that in your mind either work or do not work to this page. We would love to know what you’re seeing. This is a way for us all to communicate without using “planning terminology”.

“…the urban diary, an approach anyone can take to see their city anew. For Wolfe, a camera is the best tool for that observation, but he suggests readers might use writing, sketches, audio, tweets or any number of tools for purposeful looking. City planning still relies on an elite vocabulary not everyone can parse. But everyone can make observations about their surroundings.”

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