
Asbury Park has a bike share, and loads of bicyclists around the city especially in summer.  Do we want to make riding a bike look like an inherently dangerous activity, or build infrastructure to make streets safe for everyone on a bike or on foot?

The big bike helmet debate: ‘You don’t make it safe by forcing cyclists to dress for urban warfare’

The question of whether cyclists should wear helmets provokes fury – often from those on four wheels. But which has the bigger benefit: increased physical safety, or creating a better environment for people to cycle helmet-free?


One Reply to “Helmets?”

  1. Helmets are very important, As a retired Paramedic in New York City for 26 years. I feel and know based on injuries and knowledge of human body, that the head is the heaviest and it is vital for life and in a fall the head will hit the ground the hardest and cause the most damage. Riding with a helmet is key to safety wild on a bike.

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