We Believe


Equitable transportation is a social justice issue. The ability to get to work isn’t a given for many people who reside in this city. Many Asbury Park residents walk and ride bikes for their main mode of transportation throughout the city – and beyond. (5% of AP residents ride bikes as their main mode of transport compared with 2% nationally.)

The largest number of residents in AP is in the south west quadrant, according to data from the last census. Most do not own a car.  Our focus must be on offering community support to those who walk or ride bikes, plus safe design and built infrastructure – to enable everyone to get to destinations… and back home again safely.

APCSC has had an ongoing bike light donation campaign for over a year. We recently met with APPD about enlisting their help to distribute and install lights for residents who need them.  In this way police can be a part of the process to engage and assist. We need to combine resources with city agencies, and with Asbury Park Police Department to focus on equity and safety for the most vulnerable residents.

Many residents have seen and heard about #SLOWTHECARS. Speeding is a critical problem all over the city, even on streets with stop signs at every intersection- drivers speed to each stop. 4th and 3rd Ave are main entrances to the city, and drivers speed through these roads and into our neighborhoods. The great volume of vehicles are clocked regularly exceeding the speed limit. Residents have voiced their concern. Kids and families are at risk.

We believe that this city has the potential to be a national model of a welcoming, safe and inclusive city. We believe that our residents and our administrators and those working in city agencies are good, caring people.  We believe that we can work together to make this happen. 

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