Does this sound familiar Asbury Park?
Dangerous behavior like failing to yield to pedestrians is almost never enforced. A Wisconsin study showing drivers only yielded to pedestrians 16 percent of the time, indicating that if cops wanted to, they could spend their time doing nothing else but writing failure-to-yield tickets.
A law professor lists a dozen ways that our legal system puts its thumb on the scale for drivers to the detriment of everyone else: transit users, cyclists and pedestrians. We are dominated by car culture and until these laws are repealed we will suffer the consequences.
How Driving is Encouraged and Subsidized — By Law
Driving is so hard-wired into American culture, life and institutions, that it’s hard to account for all the ways it is subsidized, preferenced or otherwise favored.
Read all 12 ways that drivers rule the road- walkers and bike riders are at the mercy of cars: