Climate Deniers. Road Diet Deniers.

There can be an anti-group about anything, especially it seems, anything that takes away freedoms from entitled wealthy.  “Disgruntled Drivers.”  “War On Cars.” Bike infrastructure backlash in LA is threatening to go national. We cannot let this happen in AP.  Many residents in Asbury Park, like in LA, “have precious few options for how they move around the city. They are in desperate need of basic protections and pathways that will allow them to travel safely. Yet these kinds of frivolous actions elevating the voices of those who already have every advantage make that nearly impossible.” #toomanycars #slowthecars

L.A. Anti-Road-Diet Conspiracy Trolls Trying to Go National

Like climate change deniers, these “Keep Moving” groups deny data-based studies showing that speed kills and that road diets work.

Behind all their crackpot assertions is the empowerment of drivers in well-to-do communities. These ideologues push for unfettered driver access at the expense of safety for all road users, particularly those who have the fewest mobility choices available to them and who are most at-risk to harm. The “right” of this handful of disgruntled drivers to speed is costing the lives of tens of thousands of people in the U.S. every year. Unfortunately, this is a double whammy to low-income communities of color, whose residents continue to die at higher rates. And as Rutgers’ Charles Brown points out, minority communities overlooked for road diet safety improvements “receive enforcement” instead.

Read about it.