Planetizen: Sticky Streets



Sticky Streets-“The word “sticky” when applied to the urban design context has come to mean attractive and comfortable—the kind of place that makes people want to stay, and make return visits. Detroit is the latest city to experiment with the concept.”

AP obviously doesn’t need to build a beach on Main Street, but there are lots of other ways we can make our streets sticky!

“A sticky street is a term coined by Netizen’s Brent Toderian, former director of City Planning in Vancouver B.C., a sticky street is simply one where human beings like to hang out. To walk on, bike on, sit at cafés and sip coffee on, do multiple errands and have multiple interactions on.
Here’s Toderian’s definition:
“Streets aren’t just for moving people – streets [are] for people to enjoy and linger, not just move through. Great places are both initially attractive, and ‘sticky’ once you get there. A place is sticky if people love it, and don’t want to leave.”

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