Concerned about speeding on city streets? Learn here about traffic calming. Asbury Park and Hoboken share some of the same challenges.
Hoboken Traffic Calming Toolkit
The purpose of the Traffic Calming Toolkit is to provide residents and community leaders with information about the City of Hoboken’s Traffic Calming Policy. The toolkit is designed to highlight common traffic calming measures and explain the protocol used in selecting the most appropriate measure for each instance.
Traffic Calming vs. Traffic Control
“Traffic control” is often confused with “traffic calming,” and it is important to understand that these two terms have very different roles for transportation planning and engineering. Unlike traffic calming, which emphasizes managing traffic speeds, traffic control primarily is concerned with managing traffic flow. Stop signs are a good example of a traffic control device that is often confused as a traffic calming measure. Stop signs are intended to assign the right-of-way among motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists at an intersection. Although many citizens believe that stop signs help reduce speeds on their street, numerous studies have shown that speeds are as high or higher at mid-block than those locations without stop signs. Also, the FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) states that “Stop signs should not be used for speed control. For the purposes of this Traffic Calming Toolkit, traffic control devices will generally not be included except for the purposes of prioritizing pedestrian crossings at intersections where high volumes exist.
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