The Atlantic and Citylab. The Car is the Star?

This article nails it–and so does the link to the accompanying article and short film.  “The Car is the star” for sure in the US.  But in Asbury Park it doesn’t have to be the case.  We’re working on prioritizing safety and advocating for equity for all users, especially the most vulnerable: pedestrians and bicyclists.

Considering the constant fatalities, rampant pollution, and exorbitant costs of ownership, there is no better word to characterize the car’s dominance than insane.


“The car is the star. That’s been true for well over a century—unrivaled staying power for an industrial-age, pistons-and-brute-force machine in an era so dominated by silicon and software. Cars conquered the daily culture of American life back when top hats and child labor were in vogue, and well ahead of such other innovations as radio, plastic, refrigerators, the electrical grid, and women’s suffrage.”

Read more…

And more here from Citylab…

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