Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition is not just about pavement. It’s about people.

Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition is not just about pavement. It’s about people.

“The most important tenet is that the process must be open and welcoming to all who want to participate. This is not to say that everyone will get what they want out of Placemaking. The point is that there will be an opportunity for people not just to share what they want, but also to listen to their neighbors’ ideas, and to be part of the process of shaping the public spaces that they share with those neighbors. The end result should be a space that’s flexible enough to make room for many different communities, and encourage connections between them.”

Vibrancy does not need to be limited to a few 'unusual' areas; if you look for unusual ways to use them, all public spaces can be vibrant / Photo: PPS

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