20 Things Every City Can Do

Might seem obvious, but benches, trees, multi-modal transportation, and local food make a big difference and are a few of the suggestions in the Center for Active Design’s new Civic Design Guidelines.

20 things every city can do to boost the quality of public life


Urbanists have a new playbook: The Assembly Civic Design Guidelines, a new set of recommendations for the public realm published by the Center for Active Design (CfAD)—a nonprofit that promotes design solutions for improving public health—and the Knight Foundation.

The CfAD’s recommendations might seem like old hat: plant trees, improve public transit, build more bike lanes. However, the report positions them as means to a specific end: a robust public life, which the organization defines as inspiring greater trust, participation, stewardship, and informed local voting. Plus, it has years of original research to back up the suggestions.

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