Enforcement isn’t the answer to reducing traffic fatalties and injuries, but…



Lots of city residents lament in personal discussion, and especially on social media that we need more traffic enforcement to reduce speeding and other bad driver behaviors, as though that’s the best remedy for dangerous driving.

Enforcement isn’t the best way to effectively reduce speeding or other bad driver behaviors.

Too little enforcement can give drivers a sense that roads are theirs to do what they please any time, anywhere.

“Why do many of us drive dangerously on the roads? Because we think we can get away with it,” Jonathan Adkins, CEO of the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), which tracks traffic fatalities across the country, told NPR earlier this year. “And guess what — we probably can right now in many places in the country.

A traffic ticket may not be effective in changing that driver’s behavior after the cop leaves the scene, but it can be a deterrent, and be a part of changing the culture in a city.

Evidence suggests that enforcement and road engineering ought to work together.


Police officers and their department heads have become reluctant to do traffic stops mainly for 2 reasons: to avoid accusations of racial bias, especially after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. in 2015, and because of fear for their own safety. Traffic Enforcement Dwindled in the Pandemic. In Many Places, It Hasn’t Come Back.

Traffic stops that involve equipment violations like a broken tail light, which are often a result of racial profiling are becoming more rare, while at the same time, a reduction of traffic stops for speeding and running signals and stop signs is also dropping.

So what do we do?

“Really long-term, design has to be the solution,” said Shawn Garcia, director of advocacy for the safe-streets organization Transportation Alternatives in New York. “Policing is not the direction we want to go in.”

I’m representing APCSC as part of a group of advocates working for legalization of speed cameras to be legalized in NJ.

Speed camera

The objections that stymie the legislation of speed cameras in NJ and Texas come from civil libertarians who oppose the surveillance, even though studies in the U.S. and overseas show that speed cameras are effective at reducing speeds and injuries, .

Legal mechanisms designed to keep streets safe are breaking down, while traffic deaths are rising. Is there a better way?

Impounding cars, and revoking licenses plus legalization of speed cameras among other strategies can be effective: A fatal crash shows us everything that’s wrong with traffic enforcement

Police gather at the scene of a crash

“New Jersey emerged as the state with the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities. New Jersey Tops Pedestrian Fatality List. Out of the 3,030 total traffic deaths recorded in the state during the study period, 916 were pedestrians. This means that 30.23% of all traffic fatalities in New Jersey involved pedestrians, the highest percentage in the nation.”

APCSC has been advocating for a Vision Zero Policy in Asbury Park…but this requires a commitment to implement street and road modifications to change driver behavior, and make it safe for walkers and rollers.

“Lots of cities have appointed staff to oversee their Vision Zero efforts, but who don’t implement physical safety measures, instead sit at a desk creating power point presentations. Here Is What Vision Zero Should Really Look Like.

Generally, city professionals are reduced to working on bike lanes, preparing plans with lots of public outreach (marketing), and applying for grants. When we see this, we are seeing an unserious approach. Does this seem familiar in Asbury Park?

Safety on Asbury Park streets and roads shouldn’t be the domain of one person; or the police. It needs to be part of the culture. Safety first. Safety second. Safety, safety, safety.

If we’re depending upon enforcement, signs, and PSAs to change driver behavior we’re doing it wrong. 

Our streets can be reconfigured, often starting with just paint and pilot projects. When roads are paved the street or road can be modified with curb extensions so people walking have less distance to cross and to slow drivers. Raised crosswalks, mini-roundabouts, protected bike infrastructure are proven effective countermeasures to slow driver speeds.

Signs and PSAs are not effective, and are a lazy way for cities to imply that they are doing something about driver behavior.


I’ll leave you with a quote:

We ask everyone outside the car to be safe so that drivers can be dangerous.


Polli Schildge, Editor apcompletestreets.org



Goodbye 2020

There are no easy ways to describe 2020 as it comes to a close. In the past weeks writers have been philosophizing,  analyzing, probing for meaning and grasping for lessons going forward. In Asbury Park we can learn from the mistakes made during these months during the pandemic. We’ve had false starts, beginning with rolling out a neighborhood Slow Streets program without enough community input, and quickly dismantling it. We made the great step of prioritizing people by implementing an Open Streets plan on Cookman Ave (with the hope of making it permanent), allowing foot traffic, outdoor dining and retail on the street between Thursdays and Monday mornings. Then a we sent a conflicting message that cars rule, advertising free holiday parking and welcoming drivers back.  Asbury Park social justice advocates are working to limit police interaction in mental health calls and traffic enforcement. And Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition is continually working with city leaders to make city streets safer and more livable, especially for the most vulnerable. None of it will be easy, and we are grateful for community support.

Onward to 2021.

Goodbye to 2020, a Truly Unimaginable Year for Sustainable Transportation

Black Lives Matter Plaza, created by the Government of the District of Columbia, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Photo: Ted Eytan via Creative Commons

Let’s pause for a second and imagine that we could go back in time to Dec. 31, 2019, and tell sustainable transportation advocates what this year held in store for our movement.

Imagine how those hypothetical advocates would react if you told them that, within a few months, roughly two-thirds of all car traffic would abruptly vanish from U.S. streets.

Imagine what our former selves would say you if you told them that such a rapture would prompt countless cities across the country to transform roadways that used to be dedicated exclusively to private vehicles into places to play, move, eat, shop, learn, and more.

Then imagine their faces if you told them that countless other cities would do nothing at all, even as those wide-empty streets encouraged the drivers who remained to speed out of control — forcing per-mile car crash rates to a terrifying, 15-year high.

Read this great article:


Bicyclists Taking Space On The Road

Many of those who follow our media are people who drive cars, they also ride bikes or scooters, and they’re advocates for alternative transportation for climate, health and equity reasons.  But can we admit that we don’t really get the “share the road” relationship between drivers of automotive vehicles and other road users – bike riders in particular? As a bike commuter and avid cyclist, and a driver, it’s hard for me to figure out on a daily basis. Cycling Savvy explains it for us.

Did History & Law Really Intend For Cyclists To Ride Far To The Right?

Far too many cyclists, motorists and enforcement officers believe that cyclists need to ride as far to the right as possible, in order to allow a motorist to use the same lane. Neither history nor law support this.

The video (in the link below) illustrates the safety concerns of cyclists using the road, and how the bicyclist’s position on the roadway can dramatically increase or decrease the most common crash types.

The Institute for Police Technology & Management is using the video in its “Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety High Visibility Enforcement” course commissioned by the Florida Department of TransportationAmerican Bicycling Education Association provided this video and other materials for the course.

In addition we welcome other training organizations and instructors to use this video to educate officers and motorists.



Video: WNYC, Gothamist, The Green Space Panel On Biking

Watch (or listen) to this show if you’re a bicyclist – or have interest in safety for everyone on our streets. Panelists dig deep into issues that concern everyone in any city in the US:  bike and pedestrian infrastructure, car culture, law, e-bikes, police enforcement and more…NYC Police Chief even gets some heat.

We the Commuters: Biking NYC

Originally Aired: Thursday, July 11, 2019

Up for discussion: Biking (and bicyclists’ safety), Citi Bike, delivery guys and more. Throughout the night there will also be bike-curious trivia, where we’ll put your bike-related knowledge to the test for some super sweet swag. 

WNYC and Gothamist reporters Shumita BasuJake OffenhartzStephen Nessen and Chris Robbins host the evening with guests State Senator Zellnor MyrieChief Terence Monahan from the NYPDCiti Bike‘s Caroline Samponaro; bike lawyer Adam WhiteJing Wang, the filmmaker behind the documentary “A Winter With Delivery Workers“; and Shabazz Stuart, an urban transportation advocate and CEO of Oonee. 

