Walking And Bicycling Can Co-Exist And Benefit Cities

“The best trick the auto industry has pulled has been convincing the American public that walking and cycling cannot coexist.” Modacity We’ve all heard it, and maybe expressed it ourselves: “those bike riders are dangerous on sidewalks, ride the wrong way on the street, and scare/endanger people walking…” there’s a sense of fear, antagonism, and chaos …

Rutgers Report: How Does Crash Reporting Influence The Reader?

Neglecting to name a driver of a vehicle, or to describe an incident with details of negligence on the part of the victim perpetuates car culture, and the increasing numbers  of traffic injuries and deaths of the most vulnerable road users. Language and Perception matters.  What are crash report articles really saying? “Inclusion or exclusion …

Ford’s mobility service platform will help cities ‘take back’ their streets

Car manufacturers are getting smart, focusing beyond the industry of building cars, and it’s great news!  Ford is acknowledging that there’s a demand for infrastructure for various modes of transportation, and that they need to communicate and work together. From Marcy Klevorn, Ford Executive Vice President and President, Mobility: Optimizing at this system level requires …

Prioritize Walking, Biking, and Transit

Sound familiar? “…these eight words, which I call the eight most unhelpful words in the English language: “We could never do that in our city.” Asbury Park, we have a lot to do. Let’s not “pull the bandaid off too slowly.” #apcompletestreets Brent Toderian: Don’t “Balance” Modes — Prioritize Walking, Biking, and Transit