Asbury Park Bike Share!

Asbury Park Bike Share


Sign up here today!

Bicycling is a sustainable, fun and healthy way to move about the City of Asbury Park.  The City of Asbury Park is making an effort to better balance the use of its streets and to incorporate bicycle facilities to incentivize more people to ride!  The greater number of cyclists, the more familiarized drivers will become with bicyclists sharing the streets.  Plus, riding a bike reduces the demand for parking in the City.

Bicycles are permitted on the Asbury Park Boardwalk between 10pm and 10am year-round.

New Jersey Bicycling Manual

Traveling By Bicycle
Bicycling is a popular and enjoyable means of personal transportation
for all ages. Increased bicycle use would yield the following benefits:
• Can be part of an active, healthy lifestyle
• Promotes fitness and a sense of well being
• Requires no non-renewable energy sources
• Is inexpensive
• Supports smart growth initiatives
• Doesn’t degrade the environment
• Is fun!
The New Jersey Department of Transportation supports the use of the
bicycle as a means of personal transportation and recreation.
Carrying out this policy involves:
• Actively promoting the use of bicycles
• Implementing programs that foster and improve conditions for bicycling
• Designing and maintaining public rights-of-way so they accommodate
bicycle traffic
• Encouraging and supporting other state, regional, county and local
governmental agencies to adopt policies and implement programs and
projects that will enhance the bicycling environment
• Administering grant programs that provide funding for the development
of bicycle facilities and programs
• Providing information to the public on bicycling opportunities and safe
bicycling practices.
 Image result for NJ department of transportation logo

Citing Barcelona Attack, Paul White Calls for More Car-Free Spaces


Citing Barcelona Attack, Paul White Calls for More Car-Free Spaces

This article references NYC streets but the same urban design wisdom should be applied to all cities on streets where pedestrians and cars mingle side-by side.  Cars have now become weapons.

“…shockingly, some state legislatures are blind to the weaponization of motor vehicles against protestors at best, and are tacitly condoning it at worst. They are setting a dangerous precedent by attempting to codify removing responsibility from drivers who kill and maim.”


Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition to receive a Complete Streets Champion Award

APCSC is honored!

Congratulations from NJDOT
State of New Jersey

1035 Parkway Avenue
PO Box 600
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0600

Chris Christie
Kim Guadagno
Lt. Governor

Richard T. Hammer

Dear Members of the Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition:


The Complete Streets Summit Taskforce has selected the Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition to receive a Complete Streets Champion Award at the 2017 New Jersey Complete Streets Summit on October 24, 2017. The Summit will be held at the Rutgers University College Avenue Student Center located at 126 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude at 4:00 p.m. Awards will be given during a lunchtime ceremony.

We hope representatives of the coalition will be able to attend to receive this honor and stay throughout the entire Summit. Any municipal staff members, elected officials, or other local advocates that supported the coalition’s work are also welcome to attend. We may be contacting you soon with regard to speaking or sharing your experience on a panel. If you and any guests will be able to join us, please let us know as soon as possible.

Please contact Miriam Salerno at the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center at with your RSVPs.

Thank you for your hard work and leadership in bringing safer, more complete streets to New Jersey.


Elise Bremer-Nei, AICP/PP
Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
Office of Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs

cc: Michael Manzella, Transportation Manager
cc: The Honorable John Moor, Mayor of Asbury Park

How “Distracted Walking” Hype Puts Pedestrians at Risk

The idea that pedestrian distraction is a significant source of harm is starting to shape public policy in tangible ways. The Honolulu City Council recently passed a bill to outlaw looking at a mobile device while crossing the street — on foot, at least. If you’re driving, it would still be lawful to look at your dash-mounted phone while crossing an intersection. (The mayor has yet to take a position on the bill.)

If the Honolulu bill passes, it could simply serve as a pretext for arbitrarily harassing pedestrians. And as Systemic Failure notes, it could even increase traffic risks by creating a more permissive atmosphere for driving behaviors that pose a greater threat.

Meanwhile, automakers are making in-dash computer systems a standard feature in cars without arousing much alarm from safety scolds.